26 February 2012

Musa gesa perhebat kempen

Ketua-ketua penerangan seluruh bahagian Umno Sabah digesa memperhebat kempen untuk menangkis segala tomahan dan dakwaan pihak pembangkang, kerana PRU-13 akan menjelang tiba.

Menurut Pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Sabah itu, pihak pembangkang tidak harus diberi peluang dan ruang untuk memutar belitkan semua kerajaan demi kepentingan politik sempit mereka.

Ketua Menteri Sabah itu mengesa, agar ketua-ketua penerangan parti menggunakan kaedah berkesan, pendekatan yang menarik, cara yang kreatif dan terkini untuk memberi penerangan.

Musa meminta semua peringkat akan mempertingkat gerakan perang saraf, mendekati golongan muda atau pengundi baru selain menggunakan jaringan sosial atau media sosial seperti Facebook, blog dan twitter.


  1. UMNO Sabah perlu perhebatkan lagi kempen dan jentera mereka agar lebih kukuh.

  2. UMNO Sabah juga perlu hebat hadapi segala serangan2 dari pembangkang.

  3. Kalau kempen dengan hebat, ditambah lagi dengan rekod ekonomi yang memberansangkan (ada bukti, bukan cakap kosong)...tak mustahil Musa & co. akan menyapu bersih kerusi negeri & parlimen....

    Silalah baca entry terbaru saya Sabah the poorest states?That's so yesterday!

  4. kalau boleh dimana ada pembangkang disitu ada BN.. confirm tidak ada peliang pemimpin2 pembangkang memutarbelit segala usaha dipihak BN..

  5. UMNO masih kuat di Sabah, bukan senang untuk pembangkang untuk mengambil alih.

  6. Musa contributed and great improvement to Sabah. The efforts shall continue and hoping Sabah will expend like other well-establish state.

  7. Pemimpin muda harus diberi peluang untuk mengambil pengalaman. Mereka lebih memahami keperluan golongan muda ini.

  8. To some extent, opposition play their role to make sure BN do their job.

  9. Its hard to predict especially the younger generation mind thinking. They are open to changes and Im sure the coming election would be a great challenge to each other.

  10. Jangan biarkan pembangkang terus memutar belitkan cerita kepada penduduk seperti apa yang banyak berlaku pada masa sekarang.

  11. The next general election is vital and all in BN must ensure a strong mandate for the ruling coalition

  12. Saya percaya rakyat tahu bagaimana untuk menilai antara baik dan buruk

  13. Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman wants the civil service to give more focus to its role as the implementing machinery of development programmes by ensuring all work targets, including the Key Performance Index, are met. He further added that All challenges, obstacles and hurdles need to be addressed collectively, wisely and effectively.

  14. He therefore stressed on the importance of cooperation between leaders and civil servants in order to fulfil policies and programmes such as the Halatuju or Masterplan for the Progress and Development of the State, Sabah Development Corridor and 10th Malaysia Plan.

  15. Similarly, the private sector as a strategic partner of the government also has a crucial role in generating the economic growth of the State.

  16. He stressesd that if all three sectors – leaders, civil service and public sector – can mobilise together as a team and play their roles more effectively, we will be able to spur development more efficiently. This in itself will create a conducive environment to attract foreign and domestic investment,” he said.

  17. The Chief Minister went on to say that it would be teamwork that would assure the prospects and economic potentials of the state to be fully realised for the benefit of the people.

  18. He also reminded members of the State Legislative Assembly to make good use of the Sitting as an ideal avenue to air and express the views of the people at the grassroots level.

  19. As leaders elected by the people, he stressed that it is a collective responsibility to mobilise and spearhead efforts to protect the well-being of the rakyat and to draft policies that will bring better changes and uphold peace and prosperity
