MUNGKIN merasa terlalu yakin, maka pendekatan pemimpin tertentu Kerajaan kepada rakyat tidak menjurus mengetahui permasalahan dan menyelesaikan rungutan2 rakyat.
Segelintir pemimpin kerajaan hanya turun padang macam "Touch n Go" bersifat hubungan se arah, yakni dari pemimpin sahaja.
Atas sebab itu, walaupun kawasan tertentu telah dilawati sang pemimpin, namun akar umbi belum memutuskan apa kah mereka akan menyokong calon parti yang akan mempertahankan maruah parti pada PRU-13 akan datang.
Isu2 semasa yang melanda parti mahupun kerajaan saban hari bagaikan arus air bah yang sukar dibendung. Jika pendekatan segelintir pemimpin hanya touch n go, maka dikhuatirkan para pengundi akan termakan isu2 itu dan seterusnya menjadi faktor penolakan kepada kerajaan.
Masalah yang melanda kepimpinan kerajaan kini adalah sindrom terlalu yakin dan merasa sangat selesa, atas sebab itu, mereka senantiasa bersifat "bossy" dan senantiasa mengharapkan sambutan "VVIP".
Sepatutnya pemimpin yang turun padang bertujuan untuk beramah mesra dengan rakyat, namun "Protokol" menghalang itu semua, sehinggakan pemimpin tertentu itu kelihatan sukar didekati, kerana dipagar tembok2 manusia, kaki ampuh.
Tembok yang dibuat oleh manusia2 kaki ampuh ini lah yang membuatkan rakyat muak dan mual. Jika para pemimpin tidak mengatasi keadaan ini, berakibat buruk pada PRU akan datang.
Rakyat yang menentukan siapa pemimpin mereka. Kalau pemimpin turun padang setakat melihat rakyatnya dan tidak wujud hubungan yang rapat antara pemimpin-rakyat, sama juga halnya dengan langsung tidak turun padang.
ReplyDeleteMemang agak menyampah juga bila melihat pemimpin yang hanya turun padang sewaktu dekat2 pilihanraya diadakan, dan menabur janji2 manis kepada rakyat. Tapi bila semuanya berlalu, jangankan janji2 tertunai, berjumpa dengan mereka pun sangat susah.
ReplyDeletepemimpin jika turun padang jgn hnya sekadar lawatan sahaja, seharusnya kenal pasti masalah rakyat dan bantu rakayt selesaikannya.
ReplyDeletejika pemimpin membantu rakyat, pasti rakyat akan terus memberi sokongan.
ReplyDeleteSalam OKB...
ReplyDeleteKalau ada pemimpin sebegini, patut di'drop'kan saja pada PRU akan datang...
Mungkin ada seorang dua, tapi tak banyak lah di Sabah ini...
Kerana ketuanya adalah seorang pemimpin yang berkaliber & berbakat...
Saya percaya jika masalah rakyat dapat diselesaikan maka rakyat akan terus menyokong kerajaan.
ReplyDeleteCuba laksanakan program turun padang bagi meninjau sendiri masalah yang dihadapi oleh penduduk.
ReplyDeleteA leader who only "turun padang" just to show his face is not a sincere leader. These are the kind of leaders that the people shouldn't continue support.
ReplyDeleteI hope all leaders "turun padang" and actually listen to the people's suffering and their problems.It is leaders' duty to serve the people and solve their problems.
ReplyDeletecuba kenalpasti pemimpin2 tauch n go ini dan singkirkan saja mereka pada PRU akan datang..
ReplyDeleteChief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman reminded component parties of the Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) to be committed and work hard to serve the people well instead of focusing on the issue of candidates for the general election.
ReplyDeleteHe said the choice of candidates would be up to the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak to decide.
ReplyDeleteAt the moment, who gets chosen to contest in the election is not important. What is important is to serve the people to the best o their ability.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister said it was encouraging to see such good response from the community as the efforts being done by the government.
ReplyDeleteHe said it was an indication that the people really wanted to know more of the government’s transformation programmes, efforts to improve the delivery system and long-term aid for the people.
ReplyDeleteThe state government under the hief Minister has invited government officers from both the state and federal departments as well as non-government organisations and even youths to explain the government’s agenda on development.
ReplyDeleteMusa stressed that programmes such as the one yesterday were important to counter allegations against the government made by certain quarters with political motives.
ReplyDeleteHe said people at the grassroots level needed to be told direct and informed of actual facts concerning policies and government actions so they will not be influenced by baseless allegations.
ReplyDeleteHe believed by doing so, the people will be able to evaluate wisely that the BN government had sincere intentions to help and serve the rakyat.
ReplyDeleteAid such as the latest 1Malaysia People’s Assistance Programme or BR1M and other educational assistance have benefited the people regardless of their race or religion.
ReplyDeleteThis is proof that the government is good and truly cares for the people. It is the result of our elected representatives who constantly strive to get close to the people in order to listen to their problems.
ReplyDeleteHopefully the people can continue to rely on the BN government to look after them and that is why it is crutial that BN wins big in the next general election and the people will not be taken in by the claims made by these irresponsible quarters because they are just political gimmicks.
ReplyDeleteThe leaders must always spend time to listen to the people's plight so they can serve them better.
ReplyDeleteThe leaders must overcome the expectation that they are VIP when they turun padang. They should be humble and down to earth so that the people can get closer to them.