9 May 2012

Gagasan 1Malaysia akan kukuhkan lagi perpaduan rakyat, kata Musa

KOTA KINABALU: Ketua Menteri Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman percaya gagasan 1Malaysia akan mengukuhkan lagi perpaduan di kalangan rakyat seterusnya mengwujudkan sebuah masyarakat yang prihatin.

Beliau berkata, kajian menunjukkan bahawa antara elemen penting untuk kemajuan sosio-ekonomi di mana-mana negara adalah keupayaan rakyatnya hidup dalam keadaan aman dan damai.

“Walaupun kita berbeza dari segi latar belakang budaya, etnik dan agama serta berbeza dari segi bahasa namun kita berkongsi cita-cita dan wawasan yang sama,” katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian dalam teks ucapan sempena Malam Amal Kebajikan anjuran Gabungan Persatuan Cina Sabah di Magelan Sutera Harbour, di sini, malam Ahad.

Teks ucapannya dibacakan oleh Timbalan Ketua Menteri Datuk Dr.Yee Moh Chai.

Turut hadir Mayor Bandaraya Datuk Abidin Madingkir, Presiden Gabungan Persatuan Cina Sabah Datuk Seri Sari Nuar, Naib Presiden merangkap pengerusi penganjur Datuk Nancy Ho dan Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian Pembangunan Masyarakat dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna Datuk Asnimar Sukardi.

Musa berkata, kerajaan negeri sentiasa peka terhadap pembangunan pendidikan dan agama, termasuk masyarakat Cina di negara ini dan berusaha memberikan yang terbaik untuk memenuhi keperluan rakyat.

Katanya, kerajaan telah menyalurkan hampir RM150 juta kepada sekolah-sekolah persendirian Cina dan sekolah mubaligh serta pertubuhan bukan Islam di negeri ini sejak tahun 2004.

“Sebagai bukti komitmen berterusan, pada tahun lalu kerajaan telah memperuntukkan RM28 juta untuk sekolah dan tempat-tempat beribadat.

“Ini jelas menggambarkan kerajaan adalah pro-rakyat dan kerajaan yang berorentasikan kebajikan,” katanya.

Musa berkata, Kerajaan Persekutuan juga telah memperkenalkan pelbagai program bagi meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat dan mengurangkan bebanan golongan berpendapatan rendah, antaranya Program Kebajikan Rakyat 1Malaysia (PR1M), Skim Amanah Rakyat 1Malaysia (SARA) dan Bantuan Rakyat 1Malaysia (BR1M).

Selain itu katanya, kerajaan juga sentiasa menjaga kebajikan dan memenuhi keperluan golongan kurang bernasib baik dan golongan istimewa termasuk warga emas, anak-anak yatim dan ibu tunggal melalui pelbagai inisiatif.

Beliau turut memuji usaha organisasi-organisasi di bawah naungan Gabungan Persatuan Cina Sabah yang telah menjalankan banyak program kebajikan untuk melengkapi usaha kerajaan membantu golongan berkenaan.

“Saya berharap penghargaan terhadap organisasi cemerlang yang menjalankan perkhidmatan kebajikan akan mendorong lebih banyak organisasi lain untuk bersama-sama memupuk masyarakat penyayang termasuk mendekati penduduk kampung di kawasan pedalaman dan luar bandar yang memerlukan bantuan,” katanya.

Musa berterima kasih kepada persatuan itu atas usaha melaksanakan program kebajikan dan pembangunan masyarakat.

“Saya berharap lebih ramai rakyat akan mendapat inspirasi daripada usaha itu dengan menyertai pertubuhan sukarela dan berkhidmat untuk masyarakat,” katanya.


  1. 1 Malaysia is a good concept to bring people of various races and beliefs together, its good to united the people and become truly 1 Malaysia.

  2. Malaysia is a unique country because the different races can lived together in harmony, have respect for each other's culture as well as religious acceptance.

  3. amalan 1Malaysia mmg telah wujud di Sabah sejak dahulu lagi, masyarakat Sabah walaupun berbilang kaum, namun masyarakatnya hidup bersatu padu.

  4. Govt understands the needs of the people and is always ready to listen to them. All the promises made by the BN will be honoured in the best interest of the people

    you Say Bah, I Say Bah......

  5. We believe that as soon as BN gets the full mandate after the next election, Sabah will continue to grow more rapidly and those in the rural areas will certainly benefit from this

  6. Saya sokong dengan apa yang Datuk Musa katakan itu. Sudah semestinya gagasan 1 Malaysia ini akan dapat menyatupadukan pelbagai kaum dan bangsa yang terdapat di Negara kita ini. Maka mari kita sama-sama menjayakan gagasan 1 Malaysia ini.

  7. ketika kerajaan bertungkus lumus mengukuhkan perpaduan dikalangan rakyat di negara ini, ada pula pihak yang cuma menghancurkan perpaduan itu..

  8. 1Malaysia is not a new concept or formula. Rather, the ultimate goal of 1Malaysia, which is national unity, has been the main vision of our country’s leaders, and has been interpreted in various shapes and forms over the span of five decades of Independence.

  9. If we truly study it, what has changed is the approach and implementation according to the ever-changing times and generations.

  10. In other words, 1Malaysia is a concept to foster unity amongst the multi-ethnic rakyat of Malaysia, substantiated by key values that every Malaysian should observe.

  11. The approach is not independent of the Government’s policies thus far, instead it complements them to further reinforce our solidarity in order to guarantee stability towards achieving higher growth and development for Malaysia and her people.

  12. This means that 1Malaysia is a formula conceptualised as a precondition in ensuring the aspirations of the country to secure a developed status by 2020 are met, if it is inculcated in the minds of the Rakyat and practiced by the entire community.

  13. If the idea of “Bangsa Malaysia” which was engendered through Vision 2020 becomes the final destination, then 1Malaysia is the roadmap that guides us towards that destination.

  14. This definition is built upon the argument that in order achieve the status of a developed nation in the predetermined time frame, the key requisite is a strong and stable country, which can only be achieved when its people stand united.

  15. Unity as envisioned through the 1Malaysia concept varies greatly from the assimilation concept practiced in other countries where the ethnic identities are wiped out and replaced with one homogeneous national identity.

  16. It is also clearly distinct from the opposition’s concept of Malaysian Malaysia. 1Malaysia does not deviate from the spirit of our Federal Constitution as the law of the state, written or implied. In fact, the 1Malaysia concept remains faithful to the core provisions within the Federal Constitution, such as Articles 3, 4, 152, and 153, as well as Parts 2 and 3.

  17. Therefore, noone should fear or cast aspersions that the concept the concept will deviate from what has been agreed upon by our founding fathers.

  18. On the other hand 1Malaysia values and respects the ethnic identities of each community in Malaysia, and proudly regards them as an asset or advantage.

  19. 1Malaysia underlines the value of “Acceptance” amongst its multi-racial people, where one race embraces the uniqueness of other races so that we may live with mutual respect for each other as a nation. It is a distinct step above that of mere tolerance.

  20. The foundation for all this is the principle of justice for all, which means that the welfare of all Malaysians will be looked after, leaving noone behind.

  21. Such justice must take into account the varying levels of development of each ethnic community. Hence, government policies and provisions in the Constitution that protect the interests of disadvantaged groups will continue to be implemented.

  22. 1Malaysia will continue the agenda of nation-building. To achieve growth for the nation, the Rakyat must be the first to be developed, which must begin by instilling a sense of acceptance amongst races, and therefore undivided solidarity. When solidarity is achieved, the task of nation-building can truly and smoothly be carried out.

  23. The 1Malaysia formula is conceptualised for implementation in two main aspects. The first is through the assimilation of the Principles of Unity, while the second aspect is the assimilation of Aspirational Values.

  24. The Principles of Unity are the three items I had earlier detailed; the first, “acceptance” amongst all races and peoples of Malaysia; the second, nationalistic principles built upon the Federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara; and thirdly, social justice. These Principles are supported by wholesome values that must be inculcated as part of Malaysian culture, including values such as mutual respect, Tawaddhu’, humility and astuteness in forming decisions and actions.
