15 May 2012

Musa still in command

Dalam gambar Ketua Menteri Sabah bersama-sama Timbalan Pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Sabah-DSP Salleh Tun Said, ADUN Tempasuk-Datuk Haji Musbah Jamli, MP Kota Belud-Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahalan, ADUN Kedamaian-Datuk Herbert Timbon Lagadan-semasa melawat KG Pandasan, Kota Belud pada 13 Mei lalu.

Berasaskan kepada mood semasa, nampaknya, seluruh kawasan Kota Belud, samada ADUN atau Parlimen akan terus berada di bawah naungan BN.

Bukan sahaja para pemimpin kawasan ini dalam mood pilihanraya, malah rakyat juga demikian.

Kedatangan Datuk Musa ke Kota Belud sebanyak dua kali dalam masa seminggu, menunjukkan bahawa Ketua Menteri itu begitu teruja dengan pencapaian pembangunan kawasan itu, selama di bawah naungan BN.

Lawatan Ketua Menteri di Kota Belud pada kali ini, adalah untuk mengumumkan, bahawa satu projek mega lagi akan diwujudkan di Kota Belud. Projek tersebut adalah projek minyak dan gas di kampung Kuala Abai, dalam DUN Usukan.

Datuk Musa begitu komited terhadap pembangunan Kota Belud, atas dasar di daerah itulah lahirnya anak sulung Umno, pada tahun 1991.

Kini, selepas 21 tahun kehadiran Umno di sabah,rakyat Sabah telah merasakan kestabilan politik yang mapan, sehinggakan proses pembangunan terus berjalan, tanpa gangguan.

Pada suatu waktu, Sabah adalah sebuah negeri yang kaya, namun ketidakstabilan politik, telah mengakibatkan pembangunan negeri itu begitu perlahan sekali, dan pada suatu waktu, pembangunan pada kadar yang negatif. 

Sabah hanya mula membangunan bermula pada tahun 1994, selepas 10 tahun pembangunan pada keadaan yang sangat membimbangkan.

Bermula pada tahun 2003, bajet pembangunan Sabah, saban tahun meningkat, dan setiap tahun bajet Sabah senantiasa menjadi rekod. Bajet tahun 2012, merupakan rekod sekali lagi, kerana untuk julung-julung kalinya bajet pembangunan Sabah melebihi RM4bilion.
Pembangunan Sabah akan terus terselah di masa depan, jika keadaan yang ada terus dipertahankan rakyat. Rakyat diminta jangan terpedaya dengan dakyah pembangkang, kerana matalamat pembangkang hanya untuk berkuasa, bukan membela rakyat.
Tidak mudah membangun negeri, jika tidak lengkap dengan perancangan dan program. Perancangan dan program tidak dapat diwujudkan dalam sekelip mata, ianya perlu waktu, tenaga dan kewangan. Bayangkan Kerajaan BN negeri memerlukan masa lebih 20 tahun, untuk mencapai pembangunan negeri apa yang kita lihat sekarang.
Datuk Musa dengan sokongan padu para pemimpin dalam umno dan komponen parti BN akan terus memacu pembangunan negeri ini dalam segi ekonomi, sosial dan spritual.

Berasaskan kepada pencapian Musa, parti pembangkang hanya akan bermimpi untuk merampas kerajaan negeri daripada BN.


  1. Musa Aman byk membawa pembangunan kepada Sabah, ekonomi Sabah makin lama makin stabil dan dpt keluar dari kemiskinan.

  2. rakyat Sabah pasti akan terus memberi sokongan padu terhadap kepimpinan Musa Aman.

  3. Selepas BN mendapat mandat rakyat lepas PRU13. pasti Sabah akan lebih membangun.

  4. I believe CM will continue to gain support from the people.

  5. Hasutan tidak akan menidakkan usaha untuk membantu rakyat.

  6. Musa will never lack of supporters because of his contribution towards Sabah.

  7. The people shouldn't 100% believe whatever negative said about the CM in the article, blog..etc. Its the opposition strategy to bring down MA.

  8. Bukan senang jadi KM. Musa sudah buat yang terbaik.

  9. Musa tentu akan dikekalkan sebagai KM jika BN menang.

  10. Datuk Musa menunaikan tanggungjawab beliau sebagai seoarang pemimpin Sabah yang prihatin. Teruskan menyokong Kerajaan BN untuk terus menerajui Sabah demi kebaikkan bersama.

  11. The mega gas and oil project that will be implemented in kampung Kuala Abai will surely help Kota Belud become more developed in the near future. It would also provide job opportunities to the locals

  12. The state government as well as the local MPs have done a good job in bringing all sort of development projects to the district such as agriculture programs, oil and gas projects as well as many others.

  13. pembangkangpun tidak begitu menonjol di KB..

  14. Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said the Barisan Nasional (BN) government would continue to make it a priority to fulfill its promises to the people and attend to their problems.

  15. He said the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, was a clear example of this as he continuously meets the grassroots during walkabouts.

  16. “The leaders of the country are confident in meeting the people face-to-face because they can fulfill the promises made to the rakyat. In this way, the people can air their problems directly so that the leaders can solve them immediately,” he said.

  17. Musa said it was different from the opposition leaders who often made empty promises because they could not honour them. He said they were more interested in getting the power to rule and not in defending the interests of the people as shown by what has happened in states controlled by the opposition.

  18. Meanwhile, Musa who is also the Sabah Umno chief, reminded party members in the state not to be excessively concerned by the choice of candidates in the upcoming general election.

  19. He said they should focus all their efforts in updating the BN party machinery in order to ensure the people returned the mandate to the ruling government.

  20. Furthermore, he said if they were caught up with the issue of candidates, they would not be able to focus on serving the people.

  21. “The choice of candidates in BN is determined by the leadership so let us all wait. What is important is for us to work harder to make sure the party remains strong and our party machinery is regularly updated.

  22. “I believe the BN candidates who will be chosen are winnable candidates. So don’t think of personal interests but think of the party and serving the people,” he said.

  23. He reminded members to always stay united especially at the grassroots level and to avoid trivial issues that can destroy the party’s strength.

  24. “If there are problems, we should solve them amicably bearing in mind that we must not destroy party unity by exaggerating small issues.

  25. Musa also stressed that Umno will be BN’s backbone and to work hard to assure the ruling government stayed in power in Sabah.

  26. He said Umno and the component parties of BN will prove that BN is the best choice for the people through its continuous development programmes. Musa expressed his confidence that Sabah will continue to grow especially in the rural areas due to the commitment of the government led by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak. He said the BN government ensured development for all irrespective of their faith and political ideologies.

  27. “That is the BN concept of serving the people. The elected representatives of BN will always work hard to serve the people because they know they have been voted by the people and so it is their responsibility to serve them,” he added.
