24 June 2012

Pemimpin BN yang tidak setia lagi perlu buat pendirian

SEMALAM. dua pemimpin tertinggi BN Sabah, meminta para pemimpin BN tertentu, yang kaki mereka sudah menyeberang jalan supaya menyatakan pendirian secara "gentleman" agar supaya rakyat tidak dikelirukan.

Ketua Menteri Sabah, DSP Musa Aman yang juga Pengerusi Perhubungan Umno Sabah merangkap Pengerusi BN negeri semasa merasmikan satu majlis sekolah di Menggatal Sabah, menyindir secara sinis gelagat para pemimpin tertentu itu, dimana menurut beliau, mereka bermain sandiwara.

Menurut Musa, dilain pihak para pemimpin tertentu itu berkata "masih" pemimpin BN, tetapi dilain pihak pula bercakap lain-lain, sama seperti pemimpin pembangkang.

Sementara itu, pada satu majlis yang berasingan bertempat di Kota Belud, Speaker Dewan Undangan Negeri, DSP Salleh juga berkata perkara yang sama.

Menurut Salleh, adalah sesuatu yang curang, apabila seseorang pemimpin yang diharapkan menyokong dan membantu pucuk pimpinan samada soal-soal parti ataupun kerajaan, namun mempunyai dua visi. Di lain pihak menyokong kerajaan, dilain pihak seperti agen pembangkang.

Walaupun dua pemimpin BN Sabah itu tidak menyebuat siapa-siapa pemimpin BN itu, namun umum sudah mengetahui, mereka yang dimaksudkan adalah MP Beaufort dan MP Tuaran.

Dua minggu lalu, telah kecoh, bahawa dua pemimpin itu berserta beberapa pemimpin lama akan menyertai parti pembangkang, atas sebab itu, Anwar Ibrahim tergesa-gesa melawat Sabah, untuk menerima mereka. Namun, disebabkan masalah teknikal, maka desas desus itu tidak menjadi.

Seorang pemimpin sesebuah parti perlulah setia dengan parti yang dinaunginya. Selain itu, pemimpin itu perlulah menegakkan prinsip parti, bukannya bersandiwara.

Rakyat pada masa kini, tidak mudah ditipu lagi dengan sandiwara seperti itu. Aliran maklumat yang canggih, memudahkan rakyat mengetahui, maksud sebenar para pemimpin yang bersandiwara ini.

Yakinlah tidak selamanya tindakan bersandiwara itu disokong rakyat. Rakyat lebih kepada pemimpin yang teguh dengan perjuangan untuk mereka, bukannya pemimpin yang hanya berjuang demi maksud mencapai agenda peribadi. Fikir-fiirkan lah.


  1. ada desas desus mengatakan Lajim dan Bumburing akan keluar dari BN. tapi mereka perlu nyatakan pendirian sebenar mereka.

  2. kita tak ingin ada duri dalam daging parti, kita perlu setia pada parti.

  3. Macam menyindir Lajim saja ni..

  4. Tapi memang betul la. Straight to the point saja apa pendirian sebenar.

  5. Betul..Jadilah gentleman sikit. Kalau pendirian itu tidak tetap rasanya buatlah keputusan yang terbaik jangan merosakkan parti yang diikuti.

  6. Ini demi masa depan parti itu sendiri juga. Jika tidak pasti masalah akan timbul pada akan datang.

  7. Ahli2 macam tu lambat laun harus buat keputusan juga

  8. perjuangan dalam BN adalah perjuangan parti dan bukan seorang individu, terutama dalam memastikan gabungan itu memenangi semua kerusi negeri dan parlimen, termasuk merampas semua kerusi yang tewas kepada calon-calon pembangkang

  9. kalaulah mereka dalam pakatan, awal2 lagi pemimpin2 ini kena pecat..

  10. jangan2 pemimpin2 ini mahu tunggu keputusan PRU barulah mereka bertindak kali..

  11. Chief Minister, Datuk Seri Musa Haji Aman said the Barisan Nasional (BN) government would continue to make it a priority to fulfill its promises to the people and attend to their problems.

  12. He said the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak, was a clear example of this as he continuously meets the grassroots during walkabouts.

  13. “The leaders of the country are confident in meeting the people face-to-face because they can fulfill the promises made to the rakyat. In this way, the people can air their problems directly so that the leaders can solve them immediately,” he said.

  14. Musa said it was different from the opposition leaders who often made empty promises because they could not honour them.

  15. He said they were more interested in getting the power to rule and not in defending the interests of the people as shown by what has happened in states controlled by the opposition.

  16. Meanwhile, Musa who is also the Sabah Umno chief, reminded party members in the state not to be excessively concerned by the choice of candidates in the upcoming general election.

  17. He said they should focus all their efforts in updating the BN party machinery in order to ensure the people returned the mandate to the ruling government.

  18. Furthermore, he said if they were caught up with the issue of candidates, they would not be able to focus on serving the people.

  19. “The choice of candidates in BN is determined by the leadership so let us all wait. What is important is for us to work harder to make sure the party remains strong and our party machinery is regularly updated.

  20. “I believe the BN candidates who will be chosen are winnable candidates. So don’t think of personal interests but think of the party and serving the people,” he said.

  21. He reminded members to always stay united especially at the grassroots level and to avoid trivial issues that can destroy the party’s strength.

  22. “If there are problems, we should solve them amicably bearing in mind that we must not destroy party unity by exaggerating small issues.

  23. Musa also stressed that Umno will be BN’s backbone and to work hard to assure the ruling government stayed in power in Sabah.

  24. He said Umno and the component parties of BN will prove that BN is the best choice for the people through its continuous development programmes.

  25. Musa expressed his confidence that Sabah will continue to grow especially in the rural areas due to the commitment of the government led by Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.

  26. He said the BN government ensured development for all irrespective of their faith and political ideologies.

  27. “That is the BN concept of serving the people. The elected representatives of BN will always work hard to serve the people because they know they have been voted by the people and so it is their responsibility to serve them,” he added.
