SALAH satu pra-syarat pembangunan adalah kestabilan politik. Tanpa kestabilan politik, maka para pemimpin yang terlibat dengan politik hanya sibuk berpolitik dan seterusnya terabailah perhatian terhadap pembangunan.
Disebabkan ketidak stabilan politik, maka bukan sahaja ahli politik yang sibuk, malah ramai kalangan kaki tangan kerajaan juga sibuk berpolitik.
Kita tidak pelik, pada keadaan sekarang, di kalangan kaki tangan kerajaan ramai yang sibuk berpolitik mengikut fahaman masing-masing, sehingga amanah yang diberikan terabai, kerana penumpuhan masa yang seharusnya digunakan untuk melaksanakan dasar dan matalamat kerajaan yang ada (government of the day) dilakukan acuh tak acuh, kerana sebahagian masa terguna untuk tujuan berpolitik.
Kerja berpolitik, biarkan ahli politik yang melakukannya, dan jika ada kaki tangan kerajaan yang "sangat" minat berpolitik, adalah terhormat jika mereka melepaskan jawatan sebagai kaki tangan kerajaan dan terjun sepenuh masa sebagai ahli politik.
Kerjaya sebagai ahli politik adalah pekerjaan sukarela; oleh kerana itu adalah tidak adil jika ada kaki tangan kerajaan yang mendapat imbuhan daripada jawatannya dan menggunakan kedudukan untuk berpolitik.
Kaki tangan kerajaan perlu berkhidmat dengan kerajaan of the day, atas sebab itu, sebaik-baiknya kaki tangan kerajaan perlu bertindak berkecuali dalam soal-soal politik.
Kegagalan pengamal politik terutama wakil-wakil rakyat menunaikan janji, tidak semuanya terletak di pundak mereka. Sebahagian kegagalan itu adalah sumbangan pihak pelaksana. Pelaksana adalah kakitangan kerajaan melalui berbagai jabatan mahupun kementerian.
Contoh mudah- penyediaan skop kerja bagi suatu projek di kawasan-kawasan tertentu perlu disediakan oleh kakitangan kerajaan, namun disebabkan "fahaman" politik yang berbeza dengan pemimpin kerajaan, maka skop kerja yang sepatutnya boleh disiapkan dalam masa singkat, memerlukan masa yang lama. Rentetan daripada itu, rakyat yang memerlukan projek itu akan merasa bosan dan marah. Mereka marah pada wakil rakyatnya dan sebenarnya keadaan ini yang berlaku sekarang ini.
Ironinya, kakitangan kerajaan itulah yang membuat luahan negatif terhadap kerajaan atau wakil rakyat kerana kegagalan melaksanakan suatu projek untuk rakyat.
Keadaan seperti yang disebutkan di atas akan reda, jika keadaan politik stabil. Erti stabil di sini, jika kekuatan sesebuah parti politik itu kuat. Pengertian kuat di sini, apabila sesebuah parti politik itu mempunyai kuasa 2/3 baik di Dewan Rakyat mahupun Dewan Undangan Negeri.
Kestabilan politik menyumbang kepada kadar pembangunan negara. Atas sebab itulah pembangunan negara begitu rancak sejak tahun 1981 sehingga tahun 2007, kerana kestabilan politik. Pembangunan tercerencat sejak tahun 2008, kerana kestabilan politik negara tidak menentu.
Sebagai contoh bagaimana kestabilan politik menyumbang kepada pembangunan-Sabah misalnya, sebelum tahun 1994, Sabah merupakan negeri termiskin di Malaysia. Akibat kestabilan politik sejak tahun 2004 hingga kini,maka pembangunan negeri terus berjalan dengan rancak, sehingga kadar kemiskinan berjaya diturunkan kepada 19 peratus, sebelumnya adalah 24 peratus.
Kadar kemiskinan ini dianggarkan akan terus menurun jika kestabilan politik di negeri ini berterusan, kerana kadar pembangunan akan terus meningkat.
Kepimpinan negeri yang diterajui Datuk Musa Aman sejak tahun 2003 mengwujudkan suasana kestabilan politik; atas sebab itu, para pemimpin termasuk wakil-wakil rakyat mempunyai penumpuhan penuh kepada pembangunan kawasan masing-masing.
Malangnya, kestabilan politik negeri ini diganggu gugat oleh orang-orang tertentu, terutama "mereka" yang berasal dari negeri-negeri lain yang berkhidmat di negeri ini yang membawa fahaman politik mereka untuk mengwujudkan ketidak stabilan politik di negeri di bawah bayu ini.
Kewujudan kakitangan kerajaan daripada jabatan-jabatan persekutuan yang berpihak kepada politik pembangkang, sedikit sebanyak menyumbang kepada ke tidak stabilan politik di Sabah.
Bagi rakyat Sabah, permainan politik ahli-ahli politik Sabah, mereka telah arif dan faham, baik daripada kerajaan mahupun pembangkang. Atas sebab itu, rakyat telah berbicara berkali-kali sejak PRU-1999, bahawa kerajaan BN perlu mewakili rakyat jelata, tidak terkecuali pada PRU-13 akan datang.
kesttabilan politik penting dalam memastikan pembangunan dapat dilakukan dgn pesat. lihat negara2 yang politik tak stabil, pembangunan sukar nak dijalankan.
ReplyDeleteItu sudah pasti..Jika masalah berlaku dalam politik maka pembangunan juga akan turut terjejas.
ReplyDeletePolitik memainkan peranan dan juga mempengaruhi pembangunan. Dengan keadaan politik yang huru hara pasti akan membantutkan pembangunan yang ingin dilaksanakan.
ReplyDeletemalangnya ada pula pihak yang tidak henti2 menggugat kestabilan politik negeri/negara ini.. agaknya niat mereka adalah untuk membantutkan pembangunan Sabah..
ReplyDeleteselagi diberikan mandat, saya harap Datuk Musa akan terus memberikan yang terbaik untuk negeri ini.. apa sahaja tindak tanduk yang dilakukan oleh pemimpin2 dari parti lawan, tidak perlulah dilayan sangat..
ReplyDeleteSalah satu sebab mengapa pelabur tertarik dengan Sabah adalah kerana kestabilan politik di negeri ini.
ReplyDeleteSabah semakin maju dan banyak yang iri hati dengan kemampuan KM Musa membawa kejayaan di Sabah melalui kestabilan politiknya.
ReplyDeletePolitical stability is crucial for the implementation of development initiatives.
ReplyDeleteThe programmes planned by the State and Federal governments need political stability as well as cooperation of all Barisan Nasional component parties.
ReplyDeleteThe strong bond of Sabah BN partners was reflected during the Batu Sapi by-election on November 4 this year when BN retained the seat with a thumping majority, no less due to commitment by every coalition member
ReplyDeleteMusa Aman also said all elected representatives have also been reminded to reach out to the grassroots and to find out problems faced by the people.
ReplyDeleteThe strong bond of Sabah BN partners was reflected during the Batu Sapi by-election on November 4 this year when BN retained the seat with a thumping majority, no less due to commitment by every coalition member
ReplyDeleteThis, he added, is in line with the 1Malaysia concept that Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak introduced after he took office.
ReplyDeleteThrough the Prime Minister's 1Malaysia website and Facebook page, the Prime Minister himself is getting feedback from the people on what matters most to them. Positive steps like this will propel Malaysia forward.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister called on all Malaysians in Sabah to support efforts of the government in the new year so that Sabah could increase its competitiveness in a globalised world.
Musa reinstated that we must remain united in putting the government's strategies and plans to work for the benefit of all.
ReplyDeleteThe State and Federal governments, he said, had over the last year, initiated a number of programmes aimed at making Sabah a better place to live in.
ReplyDeleteThus Musa acknowledge the fact that bridging the divide between rural and urban areas is important, and remains high on the government's agenda as part of efforts to truly push for holistic development.
ReplyDeleteHe added that the government wants to see every citizen included in development.
ReplyDeleteSabah, according to Musa, remains committed in reducing poverty through a number of projects, building more roads and other important infrastructure like schools, apart from improving power and water supply in rural areas.
ReplyDeleteThe government did not use the uncertain economic climate at global level in the past year as an excuse to halt our efforts to develop Sabah. Musa pointed out that with the slow but sure recovery of the global economy, the government will be able to strengthen their efforts to bring progress to the people, especially the poor.
The recent Budget, he added, is a continuation of Sabah’s plan to achieve further development, and aims to complement several initiatives introduced by the federal government including the New Economic Model, National Key Results Area, Economic Transformation Programme and the subsequent National Key Economic Areas.
ReplyDeleteThe Tenth Malaysia Plan (10MP) is another continuous development programme that Sabah remains committed to, and is looking forward to implementing.
ReplyDeleteTo take part in Malaysia’s economic growth, Sabah must build its own capacities so that we are able to play an effective role in Malaysia’s overall development.
ReplyDeleteThe Sabah State government, he stressed, will work with the Federal government to carry out identified projects “and we will place emphasis through the 10MP to further improve the livelihood of certain segments of society, such as farmers, fishermen and livestock breeders.
ReplyDeleteTherefore the Chief Minister ask everyone in Sabah, especially civil servants who are directly involved in the implementation of the 10MP to give their undivided support so that the objectives and plans that have been outlined, could be met effectively, ensuring success of the whole initiative.
ReplyDeleteThe State Government has already implementing programmes under the Sabah Development Corridor (SDC) Blueprint, which outlines in detail steps that Sabah is taking until 2025 to become a leading economic region with its strategic location, natural resources and clean environment.
ReplyDeleteTourism, one key driver of the SDC is growing, along with the agriculture and manufacturing sectors. Musa also acknowledged that the State Government are on the right track and I commend the hard working and committed people entrusted with the task of carrying out important projects, and those who provide support either from within or outside the government.
The Chief Minister acknowledged the civil servants who have remained dedicated to their tasks, and I hope you will continue to contribute to strengthening the civil service.
ReplyDeleteThe chief Minister also thanked the private sector that has continuously invested in the State. he noted that their role will increase in years to come, as envisaged by the Economic Transformation Programme.
ReplyDeleteHe also said there is a need to continue to pay attention to providing education to the people of Sabah as human capital development plays a key role in progress.
There are a number of education institutes in the State, he said, adding that Sabah is also setting up an education hub in Sandakan so that people on the east coast have an alternative if they do not wish to travel to Kota Kinabalu to pursue their education.
ReplyDeleteThe Chief Minister also encourage the people of Sabah to practise life-long learning, and this includes taking up diploma and degree courses at tertiary institutions on a part time basis.
Meanwhile, Musa said Sabah is blessed with natural resources “and we must strive to add value to raw materials, and this can only be done if we have knowledgeable and skilled workers.”
ReplyDelete“Musa called on all Sabahanas to reflect on our successes and challenges in the year that has just ended, celebrating our achievements and learning from difficulties.
The Chief Minister wished that Sabah will continue to grow, and its people will see more development and that peace and harmony will remain as values that Malaysians in Sabah continue to hold on to our beloved State move ahead.