9 September 2012

Sabotaj masih menghantui BN?

KENYATAAN mantan Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir bahawa sabotaj merupakan faktor mengapa calon-calon BN kalah dalam pilihanraya.

Menurut mantan Perdana Menteri itu, tiada sebab mengapa calon BN kalah, atas sebab dasar kerajaan cukup jelas berbanding parti lawan.

Kekalahan calon-calon BN kerana tindakan ahli, penyokong pemimpin tertentu dan pemimpin yang tidak terpilih sebagai calon.

Atas sebab itu, Timbalan Perdana Menteri-Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin memberi amaran kepada para ahli dan penyokong Umno-mereka akan berhadapan dengan tindakan tegas termasuk dipecat daripada parti jika melakukan tindakan sabotaj pada PRU-13 akan datang.

Sementara itu, Naib Presiden UMNO-Datuk Hishamuddin Hussien berpandangan, bahawa tindakan keras juga perlu dilakukan oleh parti-parti kompnen BN, kerana amalan BN adalah calon-calon adalah diwakili BN, bukan atas nama parti.

Pada PRU-12 lalu, ramai calon-calon BN kalah atas sebab sabotaj-terutama terhadap calon-calon bidan Terjun. Akibat tindakan itu, maka BN kehilangan kuasa 2/3 di Dewan Rakyat, kalah di Selangor, kalah di Pulau Pinang, kalah di Kedah, kalah di Perak dan kalah di Wilayah Persekutuan.

Di Kota Belud, berlaku juga sabotaj secara senyap, sehingga majoriti calon-calon BN merusut sekali, kecuali majoriti calon BN DUN Usukan.

Berhadapan dengan isu sabotaj, Perdana Menteri mengistiharkan kretiria pemilihan calon kali ini- yakni calon yang "winnable candidate". Antara faktor calon winnable candidate adalah calon itu mesti disukai rakyat-ertinya calon itu cukup dekat dengan rakyat, rajin turun padang dan mampu menyelesaikan masalah rakyat.

Tujuan pendekatan "winnable candidate" agar supaya unsur sabotaj boleh dielak, kerana berbagai pihak perlu mengakui hakekat, bahawa pemilihan seseorang untuk menjadi calon, kerana keupayaannya, pendekatannya dan tidak kalah  penting kerana calon itu diterima rakyat.

Ditegaskan juga seseorang calon yang "winnable candidate" adalah seseorang yang ikhlas dalam perjuangannya, ikhlas dalam menyelesaikan masalah rakyat, mempunyai perancangan untuk membangun kawasannya, bukan seseorang yang hanya mahu sebagai calon, apabila menang, maka tikit itu digunakan untuk menumpuk harta.

Jika semua kretria pemilihan calon yang dicanangkan Najib terpenuhi, maka tiada asas lagi ahli, penyokong atau pemimpin tertentu melakukan sabotaj. Jika ini dapat dielakan, maka tiada sebab BN boleh kalah dalam PRU-13 akan datang.


  1. jgnlah ada unsur sabotaj dalam parti, semua ahli haruslah bekerjasama.

  2. Masalah sabotaj dalam parti ini memang masih berlaku. tapi sebaiknya buang sikap ini. Ini tidak patut berlaku pada diri sendiri.

  3. Kerajaan pasti akan mencari jalan bagi menyelesaika masalah sabotaj dalam parti ini. Jangan amalkan sikap seperti ini. Seperti kes Lajim dan Bumburing. Namun kes mereka berdua ini lebih awal dikesan.

  4. setuju.. mana2 pemimpin BN yang dikenalpasti melakukan sabotaj perlu dipecat serta merta..

  5. Keluar saja dari parti dengan cara yang baik tanpa perlu mahu mensabotaj.

  6. Mereka yang berniat mensabotaj bukan pemimpin sejati.

  7. Barisan Nasional will sack component party members found to have worked against its interests in the run-up to the next general election.


  8. Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, who is also BN deputy chairman, said summary dismissal would be meted out to stop them from causing further damage and affecting the BN’s chances to win in the election.


  9. As such, he said, BN would set up monitoring teams comprising trustworthy and independent people to check on the problem ahead of the election.


  10. Those appointed to the teams will move around incognito to monitor seats where some party workers may likely work against BN.


  11. He said BN was aware of the problem and it had been identifying seats with a history of sabotage by its own party members.

  12. Muhyiddin added that all BN component party leaders had agreed that quick action should be taken to prevent saboteurs from damaging BN’s chances in the election.

  13. When campaigning period gets under way, the UMNO Leadership will sack them on the spot if we find that they have sabotaged the party.


  14. The UMMO leadership cannot allow these party sabateurs to move around, spreading rumours to bring us down within the one or two weeks of the campaigning period.


  15. Before it gets too late and out of hand, there is a necesity to take such a drastic action.

  16. Muhyiddin said the saboteurs could cause the defeat of BN even in seats where BN candidates had strong chances of winning.


  17. BN, he said, had records of seats with history of party members betraying its candidates through sabotage.


  18. Hishammuddin fully support it. Otherwise, people will think that the leadership are spewing rhetoric.

  19. In an immediate response, Umno vice-president Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein said an independent team was a "natural consequence" against saboteurs.

  20. MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong lauded the move, saying this was strong evidence that BN would not tolerate traitors.

  21. There is no point in having enemies from within he said, adding that members of the team should be vetted to ensure that they did not hold any grudges against party members.


  22. Umno information chief Datuk Ahmad Maslan said the party's disciplinary committee had been given the mandate to take stern action against saboteurs.

  23. Muhyddin noted that BN have a chance of taking back the state but it is not an easy task.

  24. On BN's chances in Kelantan, Muhyiddin said the state BN should recognise the challenges it faced to wrest back the state from Pas.


  25. He said a wind of change was sweeping through Kelantan as the voters had shifted their support for BN. Based on intelligence data, he said, voters in the state were ready to elect BN as the current state government leaders had failed to meet the people's expectations on various issues.
