Datuk Musbah |
Datuk Rahman |
Pada PRU-13, para pemimpin muda BN Sabah yang perlu dipertimbangkan bertanding antaranya Tuan Haji Nizam Abu Bakar Titingan daripada Tawau serta Jamawi Jaafar daripada Pendalaman, selain Awang Kadin Tang- Ketua Pemuda Umno Sabah.
Di bahagian putri pula, Musliati Muslimin perlu diketengahkan.
Hujaan mengapa pemuda perlu diberi peluang bertanding adalah faktor peratusan golongan muda yang terdapat dalam daftar pengundi; malah pada PRU-13 akan datang, ramai golongan ini untuk pertama kali mengundi.
Nama-nama golongan muda yang disebutkan di atas perlu dipertimbangkan pada PRU-13 akan datang, selain menggamit pengundi muda juga sebagai peremejaan kepimpinan.
Wakil rakyat BN daripada Tawau, misalnya hanya Datuk Tawfik AB Titingan dan ADUN Merotai boleh dikategorikan sebagai muda, manakala yang lain adalah pemimpin yang sudah lama bertapak dalam persada politik negeri ini.
Pada kali ini, wajar BN Sabah mempertimbangkan pemimpin muda bertanding dalam pilihanraya, terutama di kawasan-kawasan yang senantiasa didominasi oleh pemimpin lama.
Kawasan-kawasan yang senantiasa didominasi oleh pemimpin lama adalah DUN Sulaman, dimana penyandangnya sudah lima penggal, Dun Tambunan, dan Dun yang diberikan kepada PBS, terkecuali Kuamat.
DUN Balung di Tawau, perlu diwakili pemimpin muda, demikian juga parlimen Kalabakan, DUN Senallang, serta DUN Bongawan.
Di pihak BN, hanya Umno dan LDP yang mempunyai kecenderungan menampilkan pemimpin muda, manakala PBS, senantiasa mengekalkan pemimpin lama. Jika PBS tidak melalukan peremajaan pemimpin, dikhuatirkan keupayaan BN Sabah akan terjejas, kerana perasaan jelak akan menghantui fikiran para pengundi terutama pengundi muda.
Suara Rakyat, sungguh yakin Datuk Musa Aman sebagai pengerusi BN negeri, akan mencadangkan kepada para pemimpin komponen BN Sabah agar mengetengahkan para pemimpin pelapis, dan tidak ketinggalan Umno juga akan turut sama.
Para pemimpin muda BN seperti Datuk Musbah Jamli, Datuk Rahman Dahalan, Datuk Bolkiah Ismail, Tuan Haji Nizam AB Titingan, Rosnah Rashid Sherlin Jamawi Jaafar, Awang Kadin Tang, Musliati Muslimin perlu bertanding atau dikekalkan pada PRU-13 akan datang.
Golongan muda perlu diberi peluang untuk memimpin. Mereka boleh dijadikan pelapis pemimpin sekarang.
ReplyDeleteIdea golongan muda amat diperlukan dalam mewarnai politik Sabah.
ReplyDeleteAdakah PRU13 ini bakal menyaksikan banyak muka baru dan dari golongan muda?
ReplyDeleteChief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman said there is a likelihood that the State Barisan Nasional may field several new faces in the coming 13th General Election.
ReplyDeleteWe will select and discuss the matter with the Prime Minister first," he said, adding Sabah BN is ready for the general election anytime. Musa is also Sabah BN chief.
ReplyDelete"We are also calling all the elected representatives to take their seats as a responsibility and not a privilege," he said.
ReplyDeleteWhat is certain is that whoever is chosen must be winnable, be willing to work hard and be accepted by the people "as we are calling present leaders to go down the ground and get closer to the people".
ReplyDelete"People know that the BN government is always truthful and committed to fulfil its pledges for the people," Musa said.
ReplyDeleteOn the National 2012 Budget that would be tabled by the Prime Minister next week, Musa hoped Sabah would get the necessary funding for infrastructure development such as water and electricity for rural areas.
ReplyDeleteEarlier, in KOTA KINABALU, the Chief Minister said Upko's suggestion for Umno not to contest more than 50 per cent of the number of seats in any general election would be considered and discussed among stakeholders.
ReplyDeleteMusa said: "We will discuss with all the stakeholders in Sabah for the benefit of everyone."
ReplyDeleteHe said other issues brought up by Dompok at its congress such as illegal immigrants would also be looked into.
ReplyDeleteHe said the Barisan Nasional (BN) of which he is State Chairman, is equally concerned about it. The issues raised by Upko, he said, had been sent in a memorandum form to the relevant parties or persons.
Dompok said that in the spirit of the coalition, the Barisan should take the commitment by Dr Mahathir when the time comes to discuss seat allocation.
ReplyDeleteThis is especially so in respect of seats formerly held by former component members of the coalition, he said.
ReplyDeleteHe said that in the first Sabah State General Election in 1967, out of 32 seats, Usno won 14, Upko took 12, Perikatan won three, SCA bagged two and an Independent won one.
In the 1980s, he said of the 48 seats, 18 went to non-Muslim Bumiputera areas, 16 for Muslim Bumiputeras, eight for Chinese and six were mixed areas.
ReplyDeleteHowever, in the post 1990 re-delineation of electoral boundaries of the 48 seats, a new configuration emerged with a Muslim Bumiputera majority in 27 areas, non-Muslim Bumiputera in only 11 seats, Chinese areas reduced marginally to seven and mixed areas, three.
ReplyDeleteThat was why, in the 2008 General Elections of the 60 Sabah State seats, Umno contested and won in 32 seats, PBS (12), LDP (3), MCA (1), PBRS (1) and Upko (6). The then BN component party SAPP won four while one seat went to DAP.