KITA ambil iktibar sejarah masa silam. Ulama tersohor. imam Ghazali, pernah menjalajah puluhan tahun, kemudian kembali dengan ilmu. Salah satu coretannya.. berdebat/berdailog dikala negara tenang, mengembaralah dikala negara runsing.
Berhadapan dengan senario terkini politik tanah air, boleh dikatakan keadaan dalam negara sedang runsing. Benarlah apa yang dikatakan Najib, turun padanglah.
Pendekatan Najib itu kemudian ditiru oleh pemimpin pembangkang, dengan nama jelajah rakyat.
Jika sebenarnya pendekatan Najib itu dituruti sepenuhnya, pasti kesiap siagaan pemimpin Bn dan jenteranya pasti lebih mantap berhadapan dengan PRU-13.
Para pemimpin ada yang terikut-ikut anutan "politik Baru" ala Amerika, debat dan debat. Kalau dilihat pendapat Imam Ghazali, tidak salah berdebat/berdailog, kalau keadaan tenang, kerana percambahan pendapat itu penting. Namun apa yang dinginkan rakyat kini, bukan soal percambahan pendapat, melainkan penjelasan isu-isu nyata yang berlaku dan sedang diharungi rakyat.
Penjelasan secara in-situ lebih memberi gambaran dan jawapan yang sebenar, berbanding propaganda. Atas sebab itu, walaupun seorang wakil rakyat mampu menjalankan tanggungjawabnya sesuai dengan kehendak rakyat, namun masih tidak popular di mata rakyat. Penyebabnya, bertentangan mata antara rakyat dan pemimpin jarang berlaku.
Masih belum terlambat, jika ada pemimpin yang jarang-jarang berjumpa rakyat, bermulalah, untuk membina jambatan dan kalau jambatan sudah dibina namun dipenuhi lalang, bersihkan lalang-lalang itu, agar jambatan itu mudah dan selesa dilalui.
Bersalaman dengan rakyat punya erti yang cukup tinggi terhadap rakyat, berbanding hanya melihat pemimpin itu di kaca TV atau surat-surat khabar.
pembangkang yang suka debat, isu tak penting pun nak debat. tujuan nak tonjolkan diri.
ReplyDeletelebih baik turun padang ,dekati rakyat dan atasi masalah rakyat.
ReplyDeleteDebat sahaja, masalah bukan boleh selesai juga.
ReplyDeleteTurun padang lagi bagus, dengar masalah rakyat, rakyat pun lebih senang mendekati pemimpin.
ReplyDeleteDeputy Chief Minister Tan Sri Joseph Pairin Kitingan has urged Sabahans to continue working with the government to maintain political stability and economic progress in Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHe said continuous cooperation and support from the people was vital towards ensuring the continuation of the development in the state.
ReplyDelete“The celebration of Kaamatan Festival is a manifestation of the harmonious existence of the people in this country, who live peacefully and united despite their different ethnic and religious backgrounds,” he said at the Public Works Department (PWD) Tadau Kaamatan .
ReplyDeletePairin said the Festival is a potent platform for further improving tolerance and sense of belonging among Sabahans.
Pairin also urged the people to practise the spirit of Kaamatan in their daily life to further strengthen unity for the good of Sabah.
ReplyDeleteHe said this was in line with the objective of creating a caring society under the 1Malaysia concept mooted by the Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
ReplyDelete“The unique culture and tradition of its various ethnics is the most important asset for Malaysia, and for Sabah the world class nature and world heritage is an added advantage that has attracted visitors from all over the world.
ReplyDelete“As such, I call on all Sabahans, especially the PWD community here today to join effort with the government to preserve the political stability and economic development that we enjoy today,” he said.
“The tourism sector has seen a rapid growth and become one of the main revenue earners for the state.
ReplyDeletePairin, who is also the Minister of Infrastructure Development, noted that the Prime Minister had in 2009 introduced Government Transformation Programme (GTP), with the aim to transform the country into a developed and high income nation.
ReplyDeleteHe said six National Key Results Area (NKRA) were identified under the GTP for elevating the socio economy of the people, and this include improving the basic infrastructure in the rural areas.