27 November 2012

Kalau Tun Mustapha masih hidup

KALAU Tun Mustapha Datu Harun masih hidup, pasti beliau menyaksikan bagaimana Anwar Ibrahim diaibkan, kerana tingahlaku mantan TPM itu, yang senantiasa tidak setiakawan dan suka menikam belakang.

Tun juga pasti amat gembira menyaksikan bahawa kaum bumiputera islam menjadi Ketua Menteri dan bumiputera bersatu.

Ada pemimpin yang rapat dengan Allahyarham berkata, bahawa semasa Pemimpin Kemedekaan Sabah itu sedang di rawat di Subang Jaya Medical Centre (SJMC) dan pada masa itu, mantan Ketua Menteri/Gabenor Sabah itu masih berjawatan Menteri Halehwal Sabah, berkata.. muslihat Anwar sungguh licik, sehingga persahabatan beliau dengan Datuk Sakaran Dandai (kini Tun) pecah.

Keinginan Tun Mustapha agar bumiputera islam menjadi Ketua Menteri dan bumiputera bersatu, pada masa beliau ungkapkan, sukar dipercaya menjadi kenyataan, kerana pada masa itu, ternampak tiada peluang dalam sistem pilihanraya, atas sebab kekuatan Parti Bersatu Sabah sungguh kuat.

Benarlah kata-kata ahli-ahli politik, apabila Tun Mustapha berpolitik, terasa lagi embusan angin lembut, berbanding politik pemimpin ulung Sabah itu.

Tiada yang dapat meramal dan tiada yang mempunyai jawapan tepat, tiba-tiba Tun Mustapha masuk PBS, parti yang ditentangnya sekian lama.

Tun Mustapha adalah figura pemimpin islam. Tiada yang dapat meramal, mengapa beliau masuk PBS yang berlatarbelakang parti yang condong kepada agama lain.

Tindakan Tun Mustapha masuk PBS diikuti dengan tingkah laku, bahawa beliau bukan lagi pemimpin islam seperti mana yang melekat pada dirinya. Akibatnya orang islam menjauhinya yang turut juga menjauhi parti yang disertainya.

Di lain pihak, Pairin sebagai Persiden PBS dan pemimpin bukan islam, dilihat oleh penyokong-penyokong fanatiknya sudah berubah daripada perjuangan asal, akibatnya juga ramai penyokong beliau mejauhi beliau dan mencari bahtera baru.

Tindakan Tun Mustapha dan Datuk Pairin (kini Tan Sri) bergabung memberi laluan kepada Umno menyatukan kaum bumiputera, dan puncaknya berlaku pada tahun 1994, apabila Bumiputera Islam dilantik sebagai Ketua Menteri dan seterusnya kaum bumiputera menjadi pemimpin dominan sehingga ke hari ini.

Bumiputera tidak lagi bergantung kepada kaum kingmaker, kerana bumiputera boleh membentuk kerajaan sendiri tanpa campurtangan kaum lain. Berpunca daripada perancangan Tun Mustapha itulah, bumiputera kini merupakan pemerintah yang sukar diganti lagi.


  1. Anwar want to become PM one day. He missed his oppurtunity and now out with a vengance! The only way he can be PM is by JOINING UMNO! Yes! that is the truth!

  2. Anwar cannot be PM with PKR because UMNO still have Malay majority. After all PKR is just a small party with only 500k members compare to 3.5 million UMNO members.

  3. The only way he can "forced' his way into UMNO is by creating a divertion or "smoke screen". PKR is his tool of choice. He have already have few friends that willing to help him. These friends are planted in UMNO.

  4. Anwar's UMNO friend manage to get him free and even rush to the airport, just to send his passport so he can go for his "neck" treatment in Germany.

  5. Anwar's UMNO friends too managed to break the Malay voters by dividing the Malays with such issue as religion, Malay rights and more. You may not realized this but since Pak Lah took over as PM, he got special advisor to advise him on what to do, and this so called "advisor" was known to be Anwar's daughter exboyfriend but decided to jump ship when Anwar was sack from being DPM.

  6. Tun Mustapha telah pergi untuk selamanya sejak 17 tahun yang lalu (2 Februari 1995) namun karisma dan roh perjuangan Tun Mustapha terus hidup di kalangan pemuda pemudi Sabah, Generasi ke 2 dan ke 3 penduduk negeri ini.

  7. Beliau yang lahir sebagai Pemimpin Islam yang ternama dan terbilang daripada keturunan Diraja Kesultanan Sulu yang pernah mengadaikan negeri ini kepada Alfred Dent sejak 1881; merupakan seorang pemimpin yang sangat dihormati disanjungi dan disayangi oleh rakyat negeri ini; di samping mempunyai karisma yang amat tinggi dalam hubungan antarabangsa, khasnya Pertubuhan Negara Negara Islam Sedunia.

  8. Pengalaman Tun dalam pentadbiran awam bermula pada 18 Oktober 1934, apabila beliau dilantik sebagai Pembantu Am di Pejabat Daerah Kudat. Kesungguhan dan ketekunan Tun bekerja telah menyebabkan dia dinaikkan pangkat menjadi Native Clerk di Pejabat Anak Negeri, Kudat.

  9. Semasa pendudukan Jepun, Tun Dr. Datu Haji Mustapha telah dilantik menjadi Ketua Anak Negeri oleh pentadbiran Jepun, menggantikan bapanya yang meninggal dunia pada 1942.

  10. enjajahan dan kekejaman tentera Jepun terhadap penduduk Borneo Utara telah mendorong Tun melibatkan diri dalam gerakan pembebasan Borneo Utara daripada penjajahan Jepun. Beliau telah menjalani latihan ketenteraan di Filipina. Pada 1 Januari 1945, Tun telah ditauliahkan pangkat 1st Lieutenant dan seterusnya Kapten di dalam Pertubuhan Gerila British Borneo di bawah pimpinan Kolonel R.G.P.N Combe sehingga unit tersebut dibubarkan pada 9 September 1945.

  11. Pembabitan Tun dalam sejarah politik negeri Sabah bermula apabila beliau dilantik menjadi Ahli Majlis Undang Borneo Utara pada tahun 1954, dan seterusnya menjadi Ahli Majlis Kerja Borneo Utara pada tahun 1956. Sebagai mengenang jasa dan sumbangannya dalam pentadbiran British di Borneo Utara, Tun Dr. Datu Haji Mustapha telah dihantar oleh oleh British untuk mewakili Borneo Utara ke Majlis Hari Pengisytiharan Kemerdekaan Persekutuan Tanah Melayu. Selain daripada itu, kerajaan British dengan kerjasama British Council juga telah memberi peluang kepada Tun untuk mengikuti kursus Bahasa Inggeris dan politik di London pada 15 Februari 1959.

  12. Perkembangan politik yang berlaku di Persekutuan Tanah Melayu dan pengumuman Gagasan Malaysia oleh Tunku Abdul Rahman Putera, Perdana Menteri Persekutuan Tanah Melayu sertas penubuhan parti politik United National Kadazan Organization (UNKO) oleh Donal A. Stephens (Tun Haji Mohd. Fuad Stephens) telah mendorong Tun Dr. Datu Haji Mustapha untuk membentuk parti politik United Sabah National Organization (USNO). Dalam kongres penubuhan USNO pada 24 Disember 1961, Tun Dr. Datu Haji Mustapha telah dipilih menjadi Yang Di-Pertua USNO yang pertama.

  13. Dalam pembangunan pendidikan di Sabah, Tun Dr. Datu Haji Mustapha telah menyuarakan hasrat untuk menubuhkan sebuah koleh universiti di negeri Sabah, kepada Kerajaan Persekutuan pada November 1965. hasilnya, pada bulan Ogos 1973, Yayasan Sabah telah menubuhkan sebuah institut pengajian tinggi yang dikenali sebagai YS-ITM di Sembulan. Hasrat Tun untuk melihat terbinanya sebuah kolej universiti di negeri Sabah menjadi kenyataan apabila Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Kampus Sabah (UKMS) telah ditubuhkan pada 30 September 1974. Sumbangan Tun Dr. Datu Haji Mustapha dalam pembangunan negeri Sabah tidak hanya terbatas dalam bidang pendidikan tetapi juga terpancar dalam usaha meningkatkan syiar Islam di negeri Sabah melalui penubuhan United Sabah Islamic Association (USIA) pada tahun 1969 dan mendaulatkan Bahasa Melayu sebagai bahasa rasmi di Sabah pada 16 September 1973.

  14. Ketokohan dan kewibawaan Tun Dr. Datu Haji Mustapha membebaskan dan memerdekakan Borneo Utara dari penjajahan British dan seterusnya membangunkan negeri Sabah telah mendapat pengiktirafan dari pelbagai pihak bukan sahaja dari dalam negara tetapi juga dari luar negara. Pada 26 November 1964, Tun telah dianugerahkan pingat Seri Maharaja Mangku Negara yang membawa gelaran Tun; beliau adalah anak Sabah yang pertama menerima anugerah tersebut. Pada 18 September 1972, Tun telah dianugerahkan “The Order of the Knight Commander oof the Republic of Lebanon”. Sebagai mengenang jasanya dalam bidang memartabatkan pendidikan, Tun telah telah dilantik menjadi Pro-Canselor Universiti Pertanian Malaysia (UPM) pada bulan November 1973 hingga bulan Februari 1990.

  15. Tun Dr. Datu Haji Mustapha telah meninggal dunia pada 2 Januari 1995 pada usia 76 tahun. Jenazah Tun telah dimakamkan di Tanah Perkuburan Islam Kg. Ulu Putatan.

  16. Stephens, now a Tun, claimed that he was not consulted upon with regard to the booting out of Singapore and he should had been consulted since he was the Federal Minister for Sabah Affair.

  17. Together with Peter Mojuntin, the Secretary General of United Pasok Momogun Kadazan Organization (UPKO), he toured the state telling the people that Sabah should re-examine the Twenty Points, the conditions of Sabah’s entry into Malaysia.

  18. Recalcitrance in Sabah was the least that the Tunku wanted because during this period, the Konfrontasi was ongoing, the Tunku was afraid that this might give President Sukarno of Indonesia, the excuse to step in and annex Sabah into Indonesia.

  19. There was also speculation that Stephens was going to pull Sabah out of Malaysia and link up with Singapore. If this happened, Sarawak would had followed suit. Hence on 13 September 1965, the Tunku flew into Jesselton and fired Stephesn as Federal Minister for Sabah Affair and Civil Defence.

  20. This, the Tunku hoped, would limit his activity in state level. At the same time, the Tunku was already thinking of ways to neutralize Stephens and Tun Datu Mustapha bin Datu Harun became his prime candidate.

  21. Tun Mustapha was in Tunku’s opinion, the only politician in Sabah with the stature to challenge Stephens. During this time, Tun Mustapha was still the Head of State.

  22. The Tunku encouraged Tun Mustapha to re-enter politic. Tun Mustapha was initially reluctant but agreed later when Tunku agreed to his requests for a fair degree of autonomy, logistical and economical assistance from the federal government and the help of a politically trained lawyer.

  23. Three days later, Tun Mustapha stepped down as Head of State to challenge Stephens in the incoming first election of an independent Sabah. Syed Kechik was sent to Sabah to help Tun Mustapha to neutralize Stephens.

  24. Syed Kechik engineered the coup to get Datuk Donald Stephens to step down as President of UPKO and retire from politic. He was also to convince UPKO members to force Peter Mojuntin into retirement and that his paper, The Sabah Times would run articles suggesting that USNO and UPKO should merge in the interest of bumiputra unity.

  25. In the book, The Politics of Federalism, it insinuated that Tun Mustapha would have sought alternative arrangement to save the face of a long-standing colleague.

  26. A passage from the book aptly described the situation, “The two were unwitting actors in a drama written by the federal government, and both felt compelled to play out their roles, however reluctantly”.

  27. The book further went on to say that had the encounter was between Stephens and other parties in the Sabah Alliance, he would have emerged unscathed, given his powers of articulation and pursuasion but this encounter was with Kuala Lumpur

  28. Let me give some reason why Anwar cannot be a PM.

    1. Vindictive

    Anwar Ibrahim is very vindictive whether towards friends or foes. This never ending vendetta against Sanusi Junid, Rahim Tamby Chik, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and many others has made him unpopular as a leader.

  29. 2. Opposition

    The attitude of opposing has become Anwar’s habit since he began to be active in UMNO in 1982. In the same year that he opposed Suhaimi Kamaruddin to wrest the seat of UMNO Youth Head.

  30. 3. Divide & Rule

    The attitude of divide and rule is Anwar’s strategy to remain in power in UMNO and the government. He had the temerity to put UMNO Kedah at loggerheads when he set up a complot to oppose Dr Mahathir’s proposal to appoint Sanusi Junid as Kedah Menteri Besar.

  31. 4. False Oath

    Anwar had the guts to swear not to oppose Ghaffar Baba for the post of UMNO Deputy President. It turns out to be a false oath, which is cursed by God.

  32. 5. Topple Mahathir

    He has sworn to topple Dr Mahathir’s leadership in front of the late Haji Sulaiman Palestine for being detained by ISA when Dr Mahathir was Minister of Education.

  33. 6. Does Not Practise What He Preaches

    Anwar has the habit of not practising what he preaches. If he talks about anti money politics, he is the one who is the head of money politics during the election for the post of UMNO Deputy President in 1993.

  34. 7. Father of Corruption

    Corruption was highest when he was Minister of Finance, hence people call him Father of corruption.

  35. 8. Broken Family

    Anwar comes from a broken family. His father Ibrahim Abd Rahman took his maid as his wife causing Anwar’s mother Hajah Che Yan to live in stress and become paralysed. Mokhtar, Anwar’s brother is a drug addict. The family that was once not so well off became wealthy when Anwar became the Minister for Finance.

  36. 9. Eloped With A Young Woman

    Anwar has eloped with a young woman to wed her in Thailand. He did not get the approval from Wan Ismail, Azizah’s father until Wan Ismail had to take out his pistol to chase him away from entering his house. Eventually Anwar’s mother took the initiative to wed Anwar to Azizah in her house in Bukit Mertajam.

    This attitude of Anwar has shown how laws, regulations and the Malay and Islamic culture can be disregarded as long as his desires can be fulfilled.

  37. 10. Sodomise

    There was a commotion when Anwar’s secret of sodomising his driver Azizan was revealed.

    This story about Anwar sodomising is not new. It started when he was still a student in MCKK and in Universiti Malaya. Many people want to come forward to reveal Anwar’s past life. Just wait.

  38. 15. Hiding Behind the Mask of Religion

    When Anwar became the leader of ABIM, Islamic principles were made his basis of struggle to meet his political ambition. When he joined UMNO, all the principles and Islamic struggle were only a mask whereas his actual struggle is the contrary. Anwar became a hypocrite when he led the congregational prayer and read the sermon on Friday prayers while he himself is not clean, and his morality is full of sins. His reading of the Quranic verse on The Disbelievers was wrong. This had been commented by intellectuals themselves. Anwar had always been seen wearing silk when he was leading the prayers.

  39. 12. Leader without Vision

    Actually Anwar is a leader without a vision. His vision is seen as only wanting to become rich through corruption, power seizure through UMNO and homosexuality.

  40. 13. Abuse Power

    Although Dr Mahathir is still the Prime Minister but in many aspects, Anwar disregard Mahathir’s power and promotes his own image. For example, he acts alone in the foreign policies that have been laid down very well by Foreign Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi. Therefore there was a contradiction between Dr Mahathir and Abdullah’s presentation and his. Anwar also used the National Order Bureau (BTN) as his political means.

  41. 14. Has Become a US Puppet

    Many people were surprised that the US government had welcomed Anwar’s arrival in the US as an eminent statesman with 21 gunshots and a red carpet. While Dr Mahathir himself had never been welcomed in such a manner. A similar welcome had been given to Boris Yeltsin, while at that time Gorbachev was the President of the Soviet Union. Soon after that, the Soviet Union broke up and Boris Yeltsin rose as the new President of Russia. Can’t the US do the same thing to Malaysia? Anything can happen and the people have many impressions of Anwar when they interpret this extraordinary friendship. Is Anwar an agent of CIA?

  42. 15. Usury

    Although Anwar as Malaysian Finance Minister failed to preserve the former excellent economic position of the country before he took charge and economic decline and crisis continued, the US evaluation of him is the reverse. Recently he was elected as the Chairman of IMF Development – the US Monetary Institution which gives loans to countries that are suffering from inflation like Indonesia, Thailand South Korea with harsh conditions. Hence, Anwar is indulgent in non-Islamic institutions that practise usury – the kind of trade condemned by God.

    In Malaysia Islamic banking may be set up and all bank transactions can be done according to Islamic standard but Anwar cannot set up Islamic banking in IMF.

  43. 16. Lies

    99% of Anwar’s life style is made up of lies. Anwar had once said that ABIM was founded by himself. He says that ABIM comes from his name Anwar Bin Ibrahim. Whereas the persons who set up ABIM were Sanusi Junid with Prof Nawawi Ghazali. Nawawi was the First President while Sanusi was the Deputy President.

  44. 17. ABIM

    Before Anwar left ABIM, he pledged to ‘ABIMise’ UMNO. Therefore we can see many ABIM members joined UMNO to become Head, Deputy, Vice Head and Exco members of UMNO Division and Branch throughout the country.

  45. 18. Hypocrisy

    If any leader is hypocrite he will expose many of his mistakes until his status is put at a low pedestal. Anwar has this attitude.

  46. 19. Forgotten His Roots

    Anwar since he was made the Minister had forgotten his roots as a champion of Islam. He leads a lifestyle that is contradictory to his former principles of struggle. If possible he wants to remain in power as an autocrat. When he was the Minister of Education, he was once invited to open a National School in Masjid Tanah, Malacca. But unfortunately he said, “do I need to come”.

  47. sebelum tun menerajui kepimpinan sebagai pemimpin di sabah, beliau sebenarnya telah meminta izin ke pada orang yang sebenar-benarnya layak sebagai ketua diseluruh daerah sandakan di sabah. Oleh kerana nama sebenar disembunyikan dari lipatan sejarah maka pemilik sebenar di seluruh daerah di sandakan tidak di nyatakan dalam sejatah. perjanjian penyerahan sandakan dari british kepada tun mustafah yang berlaku di seguntor sandakan tidak akan berlaku selagi pemilik sebenar atau tuan tanah di borneo tidak hadir pada ketika itu. Ini bermakna sisipan dari lipatan sejarah penubuhan sabah ini masih dirahsiakan oleh pihak tertentu.

    Sebelum kewafatan tun ada satu wasiat dari tun mustafah yang diserahkan kepada wakil tun untuk disampaikan kepada pemerintah sebenar di sabah yang tun harus tunaikan seperti janjinya akan menyerahkan semula jawatan sebagai ketua yang dimilikinya itu kepada anak pemilik tanah borneo itu yang merupakan pewaris sebenar, yang berada di sandakan pada ketika itu. ( diterima dari percakapan anak pemilik sebenar yang disaksikannya sendiri ketika mustafah( sebelum tun) datang ke rumah mereka di sandakan untuk meminta izin kepada waris yang sah pemilik tanah di borneo untuk di akui bahawa mustafah adalah pemilik dan ketua di sandakan, tun berkata kepada waris tanah borneo itu bahawa apabila dia mengaku sebagai waris tanah di sandakan mudah untuk dia merdekakan borneo ini masuk dalam malaysia. menurut anak waris pemilik tanah di borneo itu, tun juga akan berjanji sebelum dia meninggal tun akan menyerahkan kuasa ketua ini kepada anak pakcik yang sebenarnya jika pakcik takda anak pakci yang sebenarnya layak memerintah atau jadi ketua di borneo kerana dia waris pakcik yang lelaki.. )... kisah sebenar harus di cari.. dari pencari kisah sebanar di sabah....
