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Jamalul Kiram III |
MANILA: Biro Penyiasatan Nasional Filipina (NBI) pada Jumaat memulakan penyiasatan ke atas keganasan Sabah, dan memanggil penasihat Sultan Sulu 'Boy Saycon' untuk disoalsiasat Selasa hadapan.
Media di Filipina melaporkan sapina akan dikeluarkan dalam usaha NBI mencari bukti dakwaan konspirasi berlaku dalam konflik bersenjata antara pasukan keselamatan Malaysia dan “tentera diraja” Sulu di Sabah, yang terletak di timur Malaysia itu.
Memetik kenyataan jurucakap Sultan, Abraham Idjirani, 'The Philippine Star' berkata ini adalah permulaan tindakan oleh pihak kerajaan ke atas pengikut Sultan Jamalul Kiram III yang mendakwa dirinya sebagai Sultan Sulu, dan akan didakwa kerana mencetuskan pemberontakan di Sabah.
Akhbar itu melaporkan bahawa sapina yang ditandatangani timbalan pengarah Jabatan Risikan, Reynaldo Esmeralda, dihantar jam 4 petang Jumaatke pejabat Saycon di Makati oleh ajen NBI.
Saycon, setiausaha agung Majlis Perhubungan Filipina (COPA), telah dikaitkan dalam plot menghancurkan kestabilan pentadbiran lalu, menurut laporan yang dipetik daripada laman sesawang ABS-CBN News.
"Saya syak kerana perkembangan terbaru dan kemasukan ke Sabah," kata Saycon kepada The Philippine Star, walaupun beliau masih belum menerima sapina tersebut.
"Sudah dijangkakan bahawa penyokong sultan akan didakwa. Mereka sekarang sedang menyediakan lebih banyak sapina, kerana ugutan terhadap kerajaan sudah mula berleluasa dalam masa dua minggu ini."
Penganalisis strategi politik juga dilaporkan berkata Sultan Sulu sudah membentuk sepasukan peguamnya bagi membantu penyokongnya yang mungkin disiasat atau dihadapkan ke mahkamah kerana keganasan di Sabah, yang didakwa pihak berkuasa Malaysia pada Khamis meragut 52 warga Filipina dan lapan rakyat Malaysia.
"Saya fikir kerajaan ada konspirasi tanpa sebarang sebab, dan mahu menuduh orang ramai dan bukannya menyelesaikan krisis yang sedang meruncing di Sabah," dakwa Saycon menurut akhbar berbahasa Inggeris itu.
Menurut laporan sebelumnya, Saycon mengaku menjadi penasihat keluarga Kiram dalam hal ehwal luar, ekonomi dan budaya selama sedekad tetapi menafikan memberi nasihat untuk tentera diraja Sulu mengambil alih Sabah.
The Philippine Star melaporkan pengarah NBI Nonnatus Rojas tidak dapat dihubungi untuk memberi komen ke atas tujuan sapina terbabit, tetapi mengatakan baru-baru ini beliau mengatakan beliau sedang menyiasat "siapa yang terlibat di belakang insiden Sabah."
Akhbar tersebut itu melaporkan bahawa kerajaan Filipina berkata semalam orang-orang Kiram di Sabah hanya menyertai tentera Sulu selepas disogok wang.
"KIta sudah melihat laporan di media, sesetengah dari mereka (tentera diraja), dibayar $600, dan dijanjikan untuk dibayar $600. Mereka juga dijanjikan tanah, dan kedudukan dalam kesultanan, ini tidak boleh dinafikan lagi," kata jurucakap presiden Edwin Lacierda.
Adik Jamalul, Agbimuddin Kiram, yang mendakwa dirinya sebagai 'putera raja' Kesultanan Sulu, sedang mengetuai 200 pemberontak bersenjata di Sabah, dimana mereka sudah berada di situ sejak 9 Februari.
Puak bersenjata itu berhadapan dengan pasukan keselamatan Malaysia pada Jumaat dua minggu lalu, selepas perbincangan secara aman gagal, dan pertempuran minggu lalu menyaksikan penceroboh Sulu ramai yang terbunuh, dan juga lapan orang anggota polis Malaysia.
Malaysia melancarkan serangan besar-besaran sejak Selasa lalu, termasuk serangan udara yang menyaksikan bom dan dan artileri menghujani Kampung Tanduo, tempat penceroboh itu berlindung.
Setakat ini, jumlah kematian penceroboh Sulu mencecah 53 orang menurut laporan pihak berkuasa Malaysia, dengan 32 orang terbunuh dalam pertempuran berikutan serangan udara Selasa lalu.
12 reasons why Philippines can't claim Sabah
The Malaysian Bar is extremely concerned by reports of the armed intrusion by foreign elements and ongoing conflict in the areas of Lahad Datu and Semporna, in Sabah.
We are deeply saddened by the deaths of eight Malaysian police personnel, and extend our deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathies to their families and loved ones.
We salute our fallen heroes who have paid the highest price in defence of our nation and territory. Our thoughts and prayers also go to members of our security forces who are now in the frontline of this conflict.
The Malaysian Bar expresses its support for the Malaysian authorities in its continuing efforts to restore law and order in the affected areas.
As an independent nation, Malaysia has a sovereign right to ensure recognition and respect for the territorial integrity of its international borders.
As the conflict continues, we call on all parties to take all necessary action to minimise any further injury and loss of life.
The International Court of Justice, in the course of adjudicating a territorial dispute between the Governments of Malaysia and Indonesia over the islands of Ligitan and Sipadan off the coast of Sabah, and in delivering its decision on 17 December 2002, had set out the antecedents and history pertaining to the territory, and which effectively recognised the rights and sovereignty of Malaysia over the state of Sabah and its surrounding islands.
Sultanate had relinquished its rights
In essence, these antecedents show that the Sultanate of Sulu had, by its several actions and by various separate instruments between 19 April 1851 and 26 June 1946, relinquished and ceded all of its rights, interests and dominion over what was previously referred to as North Borneo (now known as the state of Sabah, Malaysia).
12 reasons why Philippines can't claim Sabah
These various instruments are:
1) The Act of Re-Submission between Spain and the Sultan of Sulu dated 19 April 1851, which was confirmed by the Protocol dated 22 July 1878, whereby the island of Sulu and its dependencies were annexed by the Spanish Crown;
2) The Cession and Agreement dated 22 January 1878 between the Sultan of Sulu, and Mr Alfred Dent and Baron von Overbeck as representatives of a British company, whereby the Sultan of Sulu granted and ceded to the latter all of his rights and powers over the mainland of the island of Borneo;
3) The Commission (report) dated 22 January 1878 whereby the Sultan of Sulu appointed Baron von Overbeck the “Dato Bëndahara and Rajah of Sandakan”, and ceded all of the Sultanate's rights to Baron von Overbeck as the “supreme ruler over the said dominions”;
4) Baron von Overbeck and Mr Alfred Dent in turn relinquished all their rights to a British company, later the British North Borneo Company;
5) The Protocol dated 11 March 1877 between Spain, Germany and Great Britain;
6) The Protocol dated 7 March 1885 between Spain, Germany and Great Britain whereby, inter alia, the Spanish Government relinquished to the British Government all claim of sovereignty over the territories of the continent of Borneo and its islands;
7) The Agreement dated 12 May 1888 between the British Government and the British North Borneo Company for the creation of the State of North Borneo;
8) The Treaty of Peace of Paris dated 10 December 1898 between Spain and the United States of America whereby Spain ceded the Philippine Archipelago to the United States of America;
9) The Confirmation of Cession dated 22 April 1903 between the Sultan of Sulu and the British Government expanding the scope of the Cession and Agreement of 22 January 1878 between the Sultan of Sulu and Mr Alfred Dent and Baron von Overbeck;
10) The Convention dated 2 January 1930 between the United States of America and Great Britain delimiting the boundary between the Philippine Archipelago and the State of North Borneo;
11) The Agreement dated 26 June 1946 between the British North Borneo Company and the British Government whereby the British North Borneo Company relinquished and transferred all of its interests, powers and rights in respect of the State of North Borneo to the British Crown, whereby the State of North Borneo became a British colony.
12) The Agreement dated 9 July 1963 between the Federation of Malaya, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, North Borneo, Sarawak and Singapore relating to Malaysia, which entered into force on 16 September 1963, whereby the colony of North Borneo was to be “federated with the existing States of the Federation of Malaya as the [State] of Sabah”.
12 reasons why Philippines can't claim Sabah
Although the Philippines was not a party to this litigation before the International Court of Justice — it did apply to intervene, but the application was rejected — it is clear from this judgment that the Sultanate of Sulu, even if such an entity were to legally exist today, has no subsisting legitimate claim to Sabah.
In any event, as a matter of post-colonial self-determination, the people of Sabah voted overwhelmingly to join Malaysia in a referendum held in 1962, which was organised by the Cobbold Commission.
Respect human rights
The Malaysian Bar thus calls upon the Malaysian Government to continue its efforts to defend its international borders and territory, protect its citizens, and apprehend the perpetrators of these acts of armed violence.
In doing so, we nonetheless call upon the Malaysian Government to take appropriate and immediate steps to resolve the conflict in a peaceful manner to avoid the further use of arms and loss of limb or life.
Just as Malaysia is insisting on the respect for its sovereign rights under international law, as is proper, it would also be correct for the Malaysian Government to honour and maintain its commitment to international humanitarian law and international human rights standards in its conduct of the conflict and treatment of any persons detained as part of the conflict, and to accord such persons due process of the law.
It is clear that there exists a serious threat to national security in the areas of conflict in Sabah, and that there are reports that the authorities have arrested 79 persons under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act 2012.
We expect that the due process of the law shall be observed and accorded to these arrested persons.
We ask the Malaysian authorities to take all necessary measures to protect and provide for the safety and well-being of civilians caught in the conflict zone, bearing in mind that these involve the elderly, women and children.
They should be provided with safe passage to non-conflict zones and be provided with access to adequate food, shelter, medical assistance and protection.
We also call upon the said authorities to ensure that all combatants, friend or foe, are treated humanely, and provided with the necessary medical assistance and treatment.
As we seek to assert our rights and protect our sovereignty and territorial integrity, we must continue to conduct ourselves with a strong sense of dignity and professionalism, with due observance of our own laws as well as international laws and standards.
It is our conduct and observance of the law and human rights in the face of adversity that will differentiate us from those who would seek to threaten us and commit acts of aggression against us.
Now and fast!
Kenapa lambat sangat?
Please return our peaceful Lahad Datu.
Tindakan yang telah diambil oleh kerajaan Malaysia ke atas pengganas Sulu yang menceroboh Lahad Datu adalah jelas mengikut peruntukan undang-undang antarabangsa dan tiada pihak yang boleh mempertikaikannya di sudut undang-undang antarabangsa.
Malaysia tidak perlu bimbang dan gentar dengan desakan serta salah maklumat pelbagai pihak baik dari dalam negara mahupun di peringkat antarabangsa dalam usaha menjaga kedaulatan negara ini.
Seorang adik pemimpin puak pengganas Sulu, Jamalul Kiram III mengadakan pertemuan selama dua jam dengan Setiausaha Dalam Negeri Filipina, Manuel Roxas II di ibu pejabat polis di pinggir bandar Quezon, utara Manila semalam.
Menurut akhbar dalam talian Inquirer.net, pertemuan antara Bantilan Esmail Kiram II yang merupakan adik Jamalul Kiram dengan Roxas menunjukkan kesediaan keluarga Kiram untuk menamatkan pencerobohan di Lahad Datu, Sabah.
Pertemuan antara Esmail Kiram dengan Roxas itu membincangkan strategi untuk menamatkan krisis di Sabah. Pendedahan tersebut dibuat pada sidang akhbar adik Jamalul Kiram itu yang disertai beberapa anggota keluarganya selepas pertemuan tersebut berlangsung.
Bagaimanapun, Esmail Kiram enggan mendedahkan butiran terperinci tentang pertemuan itu dengan menyatakan cadangan mereka untuk menamatkan krisis tersebut perlu diketahui oleh Presiden Filipin, Benigno Aquino III terlebih dahulu.
Menurutnya, beliau pernah diundang oleh kerajaan Malaysia untuk bercakap dengan adiknya, Azzimuddie Kiram dan membantu dalam rundingan tetapi usaha tersebut menjadi sia-sia.
Azzimuddie merupakan ketua pengganas Sulu di Sabah yang mengetuai serangan terhadap anggota-anggota keselamatan Malaysia.
Menurutnya, jika beliau memujuk Azzimuddie untuk kembali ke Filipina dan meletakkan senjata, pujukan itu mungkin tidak didengari.
"Adalah sukar untuk menyuruhnya untuk pulang. Beliau pergi dengan kehendak sendiri," kata Esmail Kiram.
Esmail Kiram juga memberitahu pemberita bahawa Jamalul Kiram melarang anak perempuannya, Jacel Kiram daripada bercakap kepada media tentang isu pencerobohan di Sabah.
Menurutnya, hanya Abraham Idjirani dibenarkan untuk memberikan kenyataan kepada media.Beliau berkata, Jacel yang merupakan seorang wanita mungkin beremosi ketika membuat kenyataan.
Ketika mengulas tentang pertemuan dengan Esmail Kiram, Roxas memberitahu, tiada imuniti ditawarkan kepada keluarga Kiram daripada tindakan undang-undang semasa mereka bertemu. Menurutnya, pertemuan tersebut menumpukan tentang isu pengunduran para penceroboh tersebut.
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